It’s Okay to Change Your Mind

My Discernment Journey Into and Out of my Dream Job Last Spring, I took a job as the Executive Director for a local non-profit organization. I was so excited about…

Anatomy of a Type 9: Don’t Rock the Boat

Nines are the easygoing peace-lovers of the Enneagram. Above all else, they want to keep both their interior worlds and their exterior worlds in harmony and peace. They avoid rocking…

Anatomy of a Type 8: You’re Not the Boss of Me!

Type Eights are the challengers, the intense, high energy go-getter types. While they can seem slightly intimidating, inside they have hearts that are just as soft as anyone’s, they just…

Anatomy of a Type 7: Chasing the Exciting Next Thing

Type Sevens are the fun-loving, care-free, light-hearted types of the Enneagram. They are always looking forward to their next big adventure. Today I’m continuing the exploration of the Enneagram with…

Anatomy of a Type 6: The Glue That Holds Us Together

Type Sixes are loyal, engaging, responsible, and intuitive. They are committed to keeping our families, systems, and structures together, running smoothly and safely. Some Enneagram teachers believe that up to…