Discover how the God of Love plays behind the veil of your life.
In the hurry of life, amid the myriad of voices swirling around us from day to day, it can be difficult to stop and discern that still small voice of Love.
Spiritual direction is a practice of listening, with another, for the whispers of God in your life.
Spiritual direction is not about teaching you about God, or giving you advice about what you should do, but directing your attention to God, already at play, in your unique story.
Spiritual direction is a valuable practice to nearly anyone on a spiritual journey, regardless of religious background. While one might seek spiritual direction for any number of reasons, you might find spiritual direction a lifegiving practice if you are:
- desiring to grow in your relationship with God
- a caretaker or leader who wants to tend to their own soul as well
- or simply just wondering where God is in your ordinary life.
You may also find solace in this practice if you are:
- experiencing hardship, grief, loss, or disappointment
- navigating liminal spaces and/or significant life transitions
- discerning questions of vocation, calling or purpose,
- feeling a sense of dryness or lack of desire in your relationship with God, wondering if “this is all there is” to the Christian life
- or even deconstructing your faith.
What a Spiritual Direction Session Looks Like with Kate
I offer meetings in person or on Zoom for about an hour. You’ll want to choose a a quiet, comfortable place, free from interruptions and distractions.
I begin each session with a chance for you to rest quietly in God’s love and become aware of God’s presence with you. You are invited to share anything from your life that feels significant to you. The underlying assumption of spiritual direction is that God can be found in all things. You are welcome to share anything you want to bring into your conversation with with God.
The conversation will be slower paced. We may pause at times to notice or listen to what your emotions, thoughts, and body sensations might be trying to communicate to you and to listen to God Himself in the inner places.
I will be listening with you throughout the time on your behalf, offering observations and questions to help you go deeper. Sometimes I may suggest spiritual practices for you to try.
The ultimate goal of our time together will be to hear and respond to the voice of the God of Love in your life.
Find out more:
I offer a free initial get-to-know-you session to give you a chance to explore whether spiritual direction is a good fit for you.