Happy Friday: More Writing, Less Coffee, & More Salad
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More Writing
Hello again, friends!
I took an unexpected break when I returned from the Hope*writers workshop to find my computer running slower than molasses. Every few key strokes were proceeded by a blue circle appearing and the words, “not responding, please wait”. After a few moments, the cursor would resume its blink and I could continue with a few more key strokes until the cycle started again. So we ordered a new laptop to replace our old, bulky desktop. I’m really happy that I can now write on the go. So here I am again. Happy about that!
Update on the Hope*writers Workshop
The Hope*writers workshop delivered everything I hoped it would and more. There was so much useful information for a newbie writer like me. A lot of information I will tuck away for future reference, but I still left with quite a few action steps for right now. I’m still clarifying the vision for my writing and this blog and the Hope*writers presented several probing questions to help me clarify where I want to go with my writing.

They also offered a lot of guidance in how to navigate the online world, which for many writers feels like a huge monster to manage and know how to use well. It’s a world in which the hustle propaganda will threaten to swallow you if you let it. I love that Hope*writers come from a wise, faith-base perspective. They cut through the junk about all the hoops it seems you have to jump through to do online marketing and help you narrow down to what is essential. They also debunk the myth of hustle to find rest and peace in the process of writing online. If you are interested in knowing more about Hope*writers or what it takes to start a blog or become a writer, Hope*writers is a great resource that I highly recommend. Check out their free video series here to see a sample of the valuable tips they offer. If you like what you see they invite you to check out their secret stash of writing resources on the membership site for only $1.
As icing on the cake, I also got to meet one of my favorite authors, Emily Freeman.
Less Coffee – What?!
I’ve come to the grim, but very real conclusion that I must cut out my coffee/caffeine intake to a bare minimum. I have still been struggling with the residual effects of depression and have been taking a naturalist approach to beating it back before I resume medication. This has included changing my diet to include nutrients that promote serotonin production and cutting back on things like caffeine and coffee (yes, sadly even decaf) that have a detrimental effect on my moods. I’ve been off caffeinated coffee for about six months, but continued to drink decaf because I love the taste and the comfort of a hot drink in the morning. I’ve never been a huge tea fan. But as I’ve still continued to struggle and have cut out and cut in almost every other thing I can think of that’s affected my moods, the decaf coffee was the last standing factor. I conducted a three-day experiment with no intake of decaf and found my moods to be much more stable over those three days. While I’m happy that I’ve possibly found a relief from the depression without medication, I’m so bummed about the loss of my comfort morning cuppa.
More Salad
Incorporating a daily dose of salad, and more fruits and vegis in my diet, has been a goal of mine for the past year. I don’t like preparing food much, I just don’t, and so salads get included in that. It’s so hard because I realize that fresh, home cooked meals are the best nutritious option for me and my family, but when you have two toddlers who deplete your energy for the bulk of the day and then you try to prepare a meal at the end of it, it makes anyone want to simply pop a pizza in the oven and veg on the couch instead.
It came to me the other day while I was eating a leftover salad at lunch that if I made enough salad at night, I could have enough for leftovers the next day and I would only need to make a salad every other night. Brilliant!
Good Reads For You
Book recommendation:
Out of Sorts by Sarah Bessey
I’ve been following Sarah Bessey’s blog for quite a while now. When we grow up in the church we often think we have a corner on religion, but all of a sudden real life hits and we are left grappling with faith in a real way. We ask questions, we doubt, we have to sort through what we’ve been taught and decide if it fits with what we actually see in Jesus and the world. Sometimes the church lets us down, sometimes it feels like God lets us down. Sometimes everything we thought we knew gets flipped upside down. Sarah has come to the other side of these questions, only to find more, but has learned to live into the questions of faith while she walks with God. She has found peace with the faith of her upbringing as well as the nuances she has encountered since. This is the story of her journey and I have found it so helpful as I’ve wrestled with my own questions and the incongruencies I see in the world of faith.
From Around the Web
1. #tired by Jones Design Company – Maybe I resonated so much with this one because it’s how I’ve been feeling lately.
2. 5 (Sane) Ways to Prep for the holidays by Tsh Oxenreider- A super helpful resource to start thinking about Advent and Christmas this year, and very timely too, usually I’m scrabbling around at the last minute.
3. The Beauty of the Dry Spell by Glenna Marshall – I am coming to believe that God often arranges dry spells and depression to come as a duo. Consequently, I’ve been in the midst of a recent dry spell and I found Glenna’s story to be hopeful for my own. Reminds me of Dory’s words: Just keep swimming.
Have a great weekend, friends!
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