Happy Friday: Essential Oils, Cardigans & Good Reads

Happy Friday, friends! Fridays have always been my favorite day of the week. There is something about the anticipation of the weekend that makes this day a favorite more so than the actual days of the weekend. For me, it’s the perfect day to remember to enjoy and celebrate things that make me happy. I’ll share pictures from my life, blog posts I love, books I’m reading, products I’m using, hobbies I’m enjoying… the sky is pretty much the limit. Eventually, I hope to make this a place to link up so that we might all share in each other’s happiness. For now, feel free to share in the comments.
So without further ado, here is what’s making me happy this week:
1. The Lazy Genius Collective
Kendra is the genius behind this blog and she is an Enneagram type 1 like I am. Her slogan is quickly becoming a new mantra for my daily life:
Be genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t”
It’s so nice to be given permission to be lazy, amen?
2. OnGuard Essential Oil
I’ve recently begun using essential oils again and I’m enjoying them. My favorite is Onguard by DoTerra and it’s tailor-made to boost the immune system. I diffuse it around the house and it smells like Fall. My kids’ squeal with delight when it’s time to put the oil on their feet. They run to their beds and stick their feet high in the air as they eagerly wait for me to apply it. And I have the satisfaction of knowing they are more protected from the onslaught of new germs this time of year.
3. Cardigans
I have been obsessed with cardigans this Fall. I have bought two new ones this year and I wear them as much as I can. Here are some pics. You can find both at Target.
4. All Joy and No Fun* by
Jennifer Senior
This book caught my eye as I was just checking out at the library. It hasn’t disappointed. Many books explore how we as parents affect our children, but this one examines the impact of children on their parents. This book has me completely rethinking how I parent. It exposes some of the cultural influences that determine what is deemed “good parenting,” reveals how parenting has changed over the decades and explores the unique pressures and demands of modern parenting. If you want a book that not only offers solidarity for your parenting journey, but also an understanding of the pressures we face, pick up this book!
5. The New “I Love This Place Series” over at the Art of Simple
Tsh and her crew are starting a monthly-ish series to feature different places they love around the world. I loved the first installment about Austin, TX (Tsh’s hometown). She not only talks about what she loves about it, but she links to some articles about the history of the city that I found fascinating.
Enjoy your weekend!
*This post contains affiliate links which means that if you purchase the product I will receive a percentage of the profit.
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