Workshops & Retreats


Monthly Rest & Reflect Group

Reflect on how God Meets You in Love in Your Everyday Life

What is the story God is writing with your life? All too often we run from day to day, appointment to appointment, and miss the beautiful picture God is crafting with our lives. This is your invitation to rest and notice the threads of God’s love in your life and how they are weaving together a larger work of art, your life.  

Using variations of the Examen prayer, this monthly gathering invites you to look back on the previous month in a reflective posture, looking for the footprints of God in your everyday life. Together, we will engage questions like,

  • “How has God loved me in the last month?”
  • “What elements of my life were lifegiving?”
  • “Are there areas I’m struggling with or where I sense love was missing?”

There will be ample time for quiet reflection and conversation with God around these questions. At the end of our time, we will notice any invitations as we turn our gaze to the month ahead.

You may be surprised at the clarity of insight and direction that can come after this kind of reflection. Through regular reflection on how God is actively working in our lives, we can begin discern with greater clarity our next steps. Over time, we may begin to see how our lives take on a more coherent, integrous, and beautiful story.

There is no ongoing commitment, come to one or come as many times as you can. Each month will have its own registration.

Workshop Details:

Every Last Friday of the Month

Next one is happening: March 28, 2025
12:00-1:00 PM, Pacific
Cost: $20 (sliding scale available)
Held over Zoom

Soul Care Retreat

“Come away by yourselves and rest awhile,” Jesus calls. 

In our ever hurried, distracted lives, it’s not easy to slow down and listen to what’s going on within.

These soul care retreats nurture silence, solitude, reflection, and listening, as well as curiosity, wonder, and play.

My intent is to cultivate an atmosphere in which participants can experience themselves simply and honestly as the beloved with God.

What is offered:

  • half day, full day, or weekend retreats
  • for your church staff team, small group, group of friends, or even, just you.
  • A collaborative approach to tailor a rejuvenating experience based on the desires and needs of your group.
  • A holistic approach, focused on facilitating a mind, body, and heart experience in the presence of God.
  • Spiritual direction sessions may be offered to participants during the retreat as well.

Schedule a consultation with me to tailor this experience uniquely to your needs.

Pathways Workshop

There are as many ways as there are people to connect with God, but we often find ourselves stuck in a rut in our routine, feeling trapped by what we think are the reliable roads to God.

Based on the book, Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas, we will discover new pathways of connecting with and loving God. Not only will you learn about these pathways, but you’ll have the opportunity to try them on during our time together as I offer various exercises and practices so you can try on new ways of engaging with God.  

  • An adaptable workshop that may span anywhere from 4-12 weeks depending on how in depth you want to go.
  • Includes an exploration of the contemplative, naturalist, and liturgical pathways.
  • Creates space for individual exploration and group reflection.

Connect with me to learn more and schedule your workshop!