Finding the Psalms in the Cracks of Your Days
Last week I talked about the importance of letting go of structured quiet times in seasons where it just doesn’t seem to fit. If we feel we are banging our heads…
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Last week I talked about the importance of letting go of structured quiet times in seasons where it just doesn’t seem to fit. If we feel we are banging our heads…
Finding time with God, not to mention finding a few moments of quiet to simply catch your breath, is a real challenge when you’re a mom of little ones. After…
I’ve heard it said that after five years of being married, you are no longer considered a newly wed. If the same applies to motherhood, then I suppose I’m not…
As a mom of young kids, I have struggled to find time, consistently, to be creative. When I started this blog a little over six months ago, the burning question…
An Unexpected Gift We didn’t really mean to buy a house. When we discussed it over Christmas vacation, we actually decided not to buy a house. But then, we saw a house…